Intro to Qigong

A 5-part Online Course

Qigong, (chee-gung) or Energy Cultivation, has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, increase the function of your immune system, improve mental clarity, relax the body and balance your emotions.

How much is your health worth?

An ancient practice that coordinates breath with mindful movement, it will bring your mind, body, and spirit into a level of harmony that you didn’t know possible.

In the practice of qigong, you connect to and invite into your body the infinite energy of the Universe and all of its power.

This is the force that moves planets in their orbits – just imagine what it can do in your body!

You will be guided through this 5-part online course with a series of e-mails. We’ll send you a new class each week as well as encouraging reminders to practice. You’ll learn the scientific premise of qigong, its benefits, and some fundamental movements that, when practiced regularly, will benefit you for the rest of your life.

You have nothing to lose & everything to gain.


Benefits of Qigong

  • Boost your immune system function
  • Decrease your stress
  • Relax your body
  • Improve your mental clarity
  • Cultivate peace
  • Quiet your heart
  • Calm your mind

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